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What makes you anxious? The thought of a job interview, a big presentation, conference or upcoming social event? Maybe you worry about losing your job, getting ill or something happening to your loved ones? Perhaps its not just one specific thing? Perhaps its a constant low level feeling of doubt and insecurity that you are feeling? Worries and anxieties are familiar to us all. Worrying can be helpful when it prompts you to take action and solve a problem but unrelenting doubts, fears and negative possibilities can dominate your mind and paralyse you. They can affect your ability to manage your everyday life and wellbeing; your sleep and appetite, your social life and your ability to concentrate. The good news is that there are ways to manage this spiral of unhelpful thoughts and difficult feelings. This book explains how to manage anxiety and stop it taking over your life. It is for anyone who wants to understand and learn how to manage their anxiety and is also helpful for friends and family of anyone suffering from anxiety. With this book, you can learn: How and why you get anxious How to change the way you think about upcoming events and experiences What you can do and how to take control Where to get support What family and friends can do to help

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