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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337515658
PISBN 9781305957404
edition 10
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This fully updated Tenth Edition of Steven and Susan Zumdahl's CHEMISTRY brings together the solid pedagogy, easy-to-use media, and interactive exercises that today's instructors need for their general chemistry course. Rather than focusing on rote memorization, CHEMISTRY uses a thoughtful approach built on problem-solving. For the Tenth Edition, the authors have added a new emphasis on critical systematic problem solving, new critical thinking questions, and new computer-based interactive examples to help students learn how to approach and solve chemical problems--to learn to think like chemists--so that they can apply the process of problem solving to all aspects of their lives. Students are provided with the tools to become critical thinkers: to ask questions, to apply rules and develop models, and to evaluate the outcome.

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