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There are many textbooks on statistics for biology students, however these tend to concentrate on the theoretical aspects of the subject and are there to underpin student knowledge in these areas. For many bioscience and medical courses where the students do not have specific modules in statistics, as there is not a significant requirement for undergraduates to conduct statistical tests as a large component of their studies, there are no suitable texts available that take such a hands-on approach. This book will introduce the student to all aspects of data collection, research and analysis enabling them to present their findings in an appropriate manner. Many students find they are inundated with various resources to research, collate and analyse. This book aims to bring key ITC skills together allowing the student to research appropriate sources on the WWW; present data in charts and plots using Microsoft Excel; look at various statistical tests and use the most appropriate and most importantly how to present this research through the use of PowerPoint slides whilst simultaneously giving advice on how to prepare a short talk or seminar.

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