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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119423713
PISBN 9781119423690
edition 3
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Glass Ceramic Technology, Third Edition examines the various types of glass-ceramic materials, the methods of their development, and the countless applications for glass-ceramics. It provides a fundamental explanation of the new generation of glass-ceramics in an easy-to-use format and is a perfect resource for students, scientists, doctors, and engineers, as well as anyone interested in natural or medical science and technology.The new edition continues to look at glass-ceramics as new materials with new properties and outlines the expanding regions for applying these materials. The new edition contains updated and new section on Glass/Glass-Ceramic Forming in general and specific systems/products, New Glass-Ceramics (ion exchange, black g.-c. for mobile phones, lithium disilicate new glass-ceramics for energy, and new glass-ceramics for optical and architectural application), a new section on dental materials, as well as a new section on twofold controlled crystallization.

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