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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337670081
PISBN 9781418005375
edition 5
  • Product Details
  • Contents
Foundations of Electronics: Circuits and Devices, 5E includes the same superior content and readability as Foundations of Electronics, 5E, plus strong coverage of solid-state devices theory and important practical circuits in which diodes, BJT's, FET's, MOSFET's and optoelectronic devices are used. The Fifth Edition has been updated to better provide a foundation in power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators, op-amps, and optoelectronic systems that readers need to launch a career or pursue more advanced study. Real-world color codes and strategic highlighting combine with color charts, photos, schematics, and diagrams to foster a solid foundation in circuits and devices that bridges the gap between must-know theory and hands-on circuit work. Other enhancements include totally new, automated calculations for the formulas in the book on the accompanying CD, and all-new information on admittance and susceptance.

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