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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337230827
PISBN 9781305579217
edition 4
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Teach students the fundamental principles of Newtonian dynamics and how to apply these principles to the analysis of real-world engineering with Pytel/Kiusalaas' ENGINEERING MECHANICS: DYNAMICS, 4E. Students learn how to analyze problems successfully before substituting numbers into formulas. This approach prepares students for actual engineering situations that do not adhere to standard formulas. This edition begins with the analysis of particle dynamics before considering the motion of rigid-bodies. You can easily limit your course to covering only particle motion. The text discusses in detail the three fundamental methods of problem solution: force-mass-acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum. The authors also cover the use of numerical methods to solve dynamics problems. These clearly identified sections let you use as many numerical methods as desired. A useful Student Study Guide further clarifies concepts while a wealth of instructor resources save you time.

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