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publishCompany Cambridge University Press
EISBN 9781139602877
PISBN 9780521764834
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Offering a consistent, systematic approach to capacitive, piezoelectric and magnetic MEMS, from basic electromechanical transducers to high-level models for sensors and actuators, this comprehensive textbook equips graduate and senior-level undergraduate students with all the resources necessary to design and develop practical, system-level MEMS models. The concise yet thorough treatment of the underlying principles of electromechanical transduction provides a solid theoretical framework for this development, with each new topic related back to the core concepts. Repeated references to the shared commonalities of all MEMS encourage students to develop a systems-based design perspective. Extensive use is made of easy-to-interpret electrical and mechanical analogs, such as electrical circuits, electromechanical two-port models and the cascade paradigm. Each chapter features worked examples and numerous problems, all designed to test and extend students' understanding of the key principles.
    Collected by
    • University of Cambridge
    • Princeton University
    • University College London
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Harvard University
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • CUHK
    • MIT

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