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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781315275734
PISBN 9780849320316
edition 1
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As the world moves toward renewable energy sources to combat environmental and power distribution issues, there has been a resurgence of interest in induction generators, particularly in their use in wind and hydropower generation systems. Induction machines operating as generators are rugged and cost effective, and with recent advances in control and optimization, the control design aspects are now moving from the laboratory to the desks of practicing engineers.

Renewable Energy Systems: Design and Analysis with Induction Generators presents the first comprehensive exposition of induction machines used for power generation. Focusing on renewable energy applications, the authors address virtually all aspects of the design, operation, and analysis of these systems, from the very basics to the latest technologies, including:

  • New methods of characteristics testing, aimed at reduced test time, precision, and automation
  • Reactive compensation techniques
  • Control, including scalar control, vector control, and optimization techniques for peak power tracking control
  • Interconnecting induction generators to the main grid
  • Behavior in the presence of switched and controlled electronic converters
  • Using PSPICE, MATLAB, PSIM, C, Pascal and Excel for modeling and simulation

    Robust, economical, and low maintenance, induction generators hold outstanding potential for helping to fulfill the world's energy needs. This book provides the background and the tools you need to begin developing power plants and become expert in the applications and deployment of induction generator systems.
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