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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781285406060
PISBN 9781111307745
edition 1
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  • Contents
With an emphasis on both practice and theory, MAINTENANCE FUNDAMENTALS FOR WIND TECHNICIANS provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of wind energy that is appropriate for any electrical or mechanical technician. Through topics such as developing a preventative maintenance program, determining the performance of a wind turbine system, and monitoring improvement through system data analysis, this text teaches students the skills they need to be successful wind energy technicians. Safety-related practices, such as working at heights, tower rescue practices, and offshore projects, are emphasized to ensure that students understand the hazards associated with working in the wind industry. Filled with pedagogy such as hands-on exercises, applications, troubleshooting tips, and learning objectives keyed to AWEA skills, students will learn everything they need to know about maintaining, servicing and troubleshooting turbines on wind farms.

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