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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9780730322559
PISBN 9780730322535
edition 1
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  • Contents
Significant demographical and technological shifts are creating unique challenges for leaders and organizations, and the way they communicate. Demographically, Generation Y will be the largest population of employees in the workforce with the next decade and they will be the most educated generation ever. This new generation of employees have different and increasingly higher expectations from their employers and their leaders. Technologically, the rapid rise and wide spread use of technology and social media has resulted in information fatigue syndrome. Currently, leaders typically communicate to employees with a strong focus on logic and data. This is having very little impact on employees because of these demographic and technology shifts. Leaders need to fully understand the effects of these shifts and respond accordingly to be successful. This is a cut-to-the chase style book that will help leaders and managers in business rise above the boring and the bull to become more real. That by being more real they can not only ignite themselves but ignite their teams and customers. 

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