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Once more updated with new technologies and applications, this advanced textbook is keeping pace with the dramatic progress in the field of molecular biotechnology. An introduction to the fundamentals in molecular and cell biology is followed by an description of standard techniques, including purification and analysis of biomolecules, cloning techniques, gene expression systems, genome editing methods, labeling of proteins and in situ-techniques, standard and high resolution microscopy, and more. The third part focuses on key areas in research and application, ranging from functional genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics to drug targeting, recombinant antibodies and systems biology. The final part looks at the biotechnology industry, explaining intellectual property issues, legal frameworks for pharmaceutical products and the interplay between start-up and larger companies. With completely updated as well as new content, this book covers all the current key topics in the field, and provides students and professionals in life sciences, pharmacy and biochemistry with everything they need to know about molecular biotechnology.

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