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- Contents
The first two editions of Power Generation, Operation, and Control have become standard teaching and professional reference texts on power system. The changes to the book are designed to provide academics and electric company engineers with an updated and complete picture of the techniques for modern power system operation. It contains worked examples and homework problems with a solution manual available to university professors. The authors will also maintain a web page to support the text. The web page will contain links to important research reports, an entire set of student programs in MATLAB, and sets of power system sample data sets for use in student exercises. The third edition acquaints electrical engineering students with power generation systems, operated under economic operation and control. It introduces central "terminal" characteristics for thermal and hydroelectric power generation systems, and mathematical optimization methods for application to practical operating problems. Algorithms and methods for solving integrated economic, network, and generating system analysis are provided, as well as methods used in modern control systems for power system analysis, operation, and control including power generation systems. Also included are the state of the art topics undergoing evolutionary change, which are market simulation, multiple market analysis, multiple interchange contract analysis, contract and market bidding, and asset valuation under various portfolio combinations.
Collected by
- Princeton University
- Yale University
- University of Oxford
- Columbia University Library