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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119524793
PISBN 9781119524809
edition 6th Edition
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Organic Structures from Spectra, 6th Edition is a carefully chosen set of about 250 structural problems employing the major modern spectroscopic techniques, including Mass Spectrometry, 1D and 2D 13C and 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy. There are 25 problems specifically dealing with the interpretation of spin-spin coupling in proton NMR spectra and 10 problems based on the quantitative analysis of mixtures using proton and carbon NMR spectroscopy. The accompanying text is descriptive and only explains the underlying theory at a level that is sufficient to tackle the problems. The text includes condensed tables of characteristic spectral properties covering the frequently encountered functional groups.

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