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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119773900
PISBN 9781119773467
edition 1
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Engagement has often been relegated to HR or was seen as a soft issue. But when you build engagement into the life blood of a leaders role, you see it becomes a performance requirement and a natural part of a managers day-to-day job. The problem? Leaders have been ill-equipped to engage, not knowing the right tools to employ or the right approaches to take. After all, so much is coming at them. How can they stop and engage? But what if they could? Leaders have often seen engagement as the outcome rather than the launchpad to build stronger ecosystems and achieve results. Manage to Engage addresses this with simple concepts like The HeadsUP High 5, behavior models like Active Management, and a unique performance improvement tool that engages as much as it brings about change: the 1.5.30 Connect--a daily, weekly, monthly routine performance review to enable people to achieve day-to-day business results. Packed with tools and exercises to apply at work today, Manage to Engage helps you address quality of life at work from the start.

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