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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337671576
PISBN 9781337616669
edition 12
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  • Contents
METEOROLOGY TODAY: AN INTRODUCTION TO WEATHER, CLIMATE AND THE ENVIRONMENT by meteorologists C. Donald Ahrens and Robert Henson combines the latest in weather, climate and earth science to introduce students to the concepts and current issues of meteorology. Grounded in the scientific method, the new edition of this highly visual text shows students how to observe, calculate and synthesize information as budding scientists. Specific discussions center on severe weather systems like tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as everyday elements like wind, precipitation and the seasons. The MindTap course provides students with engaging features such as Concept Animations, a digital Study Guide, and summative EOC assessment. New assignable Case Study activities in each chapter allow students to apply their knowledge to real life studies and meteorological events.

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