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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781466566095
PISBN 9781466566088
edition 1
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Bridging lower-division physics survey courses with upper-division physics courses, Oscillations and Waves: An Introduction develops a unified mathematical theory of oscillations and waves in physical systems. Emphasizing physics over mathematics, the author includes many examples from discrete mechanical, optical, and quantum mechanical systems; continuous gases, fluids, and elastic solids; electronic circuits; and electromagnetic waves. Assuming familiarity with the laws of physics and college-level mathematics, the book focuses on oscillations and waves whose governing differential equations are linear. The author covers aspects of optics that crucially depend on the wave-like nature of light, such as wave opti
    Collected by
    • UCLA
    • Princeton University
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • University of Melbourne Library
    • Columbia University Library
    • UCB

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