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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118220412
PISBN 9780470533284
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  • Contents
Introducing Global Health: Practice, Policy, and Solutions offers a contemporary overview of major issues in global public health and their interplay. Introductory material includes the history of global economic development and alternatives to traditional economic development; models that emphasize education and health; the challenge of poverty and disease; the threat of?war and corruption; and the essential role of gender. Case studies focus on developing socialist economies (e.g., Cuba), mixed economies (e.g., Chile), and new emerging superpowers (e.g., China). Topical chapters are interwoven with running motifs, such as the health risks and benefits associated with capitalist and market socialist philosophies. Potentially challenging concepts such as the incidence and prevalence of disease are incorporated into much more compelling discussions of interest, such as global poverty.

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