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Fetal Anomalies: Ultrasound Diagnosis and Postnatal Management is a state-of-the-art reference offering the most comprehensive, richly illustrated guide to ultrasound diagnosis and postnatal management. The authors offer a wealth of practical instructions on the use of ultrasound in detecting fetal structual anomalies side-by-side with over 600 photographs depicting abnormalities across every organ system. In addition, readers will find guidelines for prenatal diagnosis and postnatal management with examples from each system. Anomalies are illustrated in a continuum beginning with ultrasonagraphic identification, progressing to its characterization in newborns, and culminating in postnatal repair. The contents of this indispensible reference combine the didactic utility of a clinically oriented textbook with the thorough pictoral representation of an atlas. This book follows a logical, organ-based division of chapters, from externally visible defects and skeletal dysplasia through to the central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, genital system. It then covers umbilical cord anomalies, abnormalities specific to multiple pregnancies, abnormalities of amniotic fluid volume, and abnormalities which elude prenatal detection. Numerous examples from each organ system (e.g., hydronephrosis, hypoplastic heart, spina bifida, club foot, and mesenteric cyst) serve to illustrate use of these techniques in a clinical setting.

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