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1) The author has an excellent reputation: 'This is a truly valuable book ... particularly attractive for students starting their research in catalysis ... has a superb pedagogic value.' Daniel E. Resasco, Journal of Catalysis 'This admirable and beautifully organized book ... should prove invaluable to generations of graduate students and others embarking on a serious study of solid catalysts.' Sir John M. Thomas, Advanced Materials 'Niemantsverdriet's book enriches the scientific literature. A description of surface spectroscopy with textbook character was not previously available.' Helmut Knozinger, Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium? 2) Good sales figures Spectroscopy in Catalysis, 1st Edition, (hardcover), VCH, 1993, ISBN: 3-527-28593-8, DM 178.-, 290 pp (850 copies sold)and Spectroscopy in Catalysis, 1st Edition, (softcover), VCH, 1994, ISBN: 3-527-28726-4, DM 92.-, 290 pp (800 copies sold). 3) Currently there is no competition available.
    Collected by
    • University of Melbourne Library
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • University of Chicago
    • UCB

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