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This systematically designed laboratory manual elucidates a number of techniques which help the students carry out various experiments in the field of digital signal processing, digital image processing, digital signal processor and digital communication through MATLAB® in a single volume. A step-wise discussion of the programming procedure using MATLAB® has been carried out in this book. The numerous programming examples for each digital signal processing lab, image processing lab, signal processor lab and digital communication lab have also been included. The book begins with an introductory chapter on MATLAB®, which will be very useful for a beginner. The concepts are explained with the aid of screenshots. Then it moves on to discuss the fundamental aspects in digital signal processing through MATLAB®, with a special emphasis given to the design of digital filters (FIR and IIR). Finally digital communication and image processing sections in the book help readers to understand the commonly used MATLAB® functions. At the end of this book, some basic experiments using DSP trainer kit have also been included. This book is intended for the undergraduate students of electronics and communication engineering, electronics and instrumentation engineering, and instrumentation and control engineering for their laboratory courses in digital signal processing, image processing and digital communication. KEY FEATURES Includes about 115 different experiments. Contains several figures to reinforce the understanding of the techniques discussed. Gives systematic way of doing experiments such as Aim, Theory, Programs, Sample inputs and outputs, Viva voce questions and Examination questions

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