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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118936313
PISBN 9781118936337
edition 1
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  • Contents
Engineering Optimization: Applications, Methods and Analysis is a comprehensive textbook that covers thebest practices in engineering optimization. It covers the different aspects of an optimization function, starting from stating the objective function (OF), specifying the constraints, and selecting the decision variables, before developing the appropriate models. Other aspects covered include choosing the convergence criterion and threshold value, and initialization and number of starts, as is selecting and understanding the appropriate optimization algorithm.    It describes and develops many common algorithms, starting with simple line search approaches and progressing to multi-variable and multiplayer approaches. Engineering Optimization: Applications, Methods and Analysis focuses on engineering applications, where optimization is essential for model development, product design, process and device design, dynamic system control, or system operation. Examples ,exercises and homework problems are included throughout and a companion website will be available hosting a solutions manual, software and computer codes.

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