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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781305333932
PISBN 9781285753867
edition 7
ESSENTIALS OF OCEANOGRAPHY 7e provides students with a basic understanding of the scientific questions, complexities, and uncertainties involved in ocean use, and the role and importance of oceans in nurturing and sustaining life on the planet. The new edition was created as part of a unique partnership with the National Geographic Society, an organization that represents a tradition of inspiring stories, exceptional research, and first-hand accounts of exploration. Using exclusive content from the National Geographic Society's world-renowned photos, graphics, and map collections, ESSENTIALS OF OCEANOGRAPHY 7e gives students the most dynamic and current introduction to oceanography available today. Bestselling author Tom Garrison illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of marine science, allowing students to see its links to biology, chemistry, geology, physics, meteorology, astronomy, ecology, history, and economics. New features including Thinking Beyond the Figure questions and Closer Look boxes help students develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

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