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publishCompany McGraw Hill
EISBN 9781265727352
PISBN 9781264066674
edition 13th ed.
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Corbin’s Concepts of Fitness and Wellness provides a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to teaching principles of healthy living. Foundational elements include an integrated instructional HELP philosophy that focuses on self-management skills for sustained lifestyle change, a concepts-based framework designed for achieving well-defined learning objectives, and an engaging, student-centered approach to learning that accommodates various learning preferences and methods. Each revision of Corbin’s Concepts of Fitness and Wellness incorporates new research and findings about healthy lifestyles, but the thirteenth edition was influenced by many external factors as well. This edition was conceptualized and updated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, which challenged all facets of our society and increased attention on the intersections of public health and personal health. The fully updated Thirteenth Edition is supported by Connect, the only integrated digital learning environment that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
    Charles Corbin Dr. Charles B. “Chuck” Corbin is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Exercise and Wellness at Arizona State University. He has published more than 200 journal articles and is the senior author, sole author, contributor to, or editor of more than 70 books including Concepts of Physical Fitness (14th ed.), winner of the McGuffey Award (TAA); Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (7th ed.); Fundamental Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (2nd ed.); and Fitness for Life (5th ed.), winner of the Texty Award (TAA). His books are the most widely adopted college and secondary school texts in the area of fitness and wellness. Dr. Corbin is internationally recognized as an expert in physical activity, health and wellness promotion, and youth physical fitness. He has keynoted more than 35 state AHPERD Conventions, made major addresses in more than 15 different countries, and presented numerous named lectures (Cureton Lecture, ACSM; Hanna, Sargent, and Distinguished Scholar, NAKPEHE; Prince Phillip, British PEA; and Weiss and Alliance Scholar, AAHPERD). He is past president and Fellow of AAKPE, Fellow of ACSM, and Fellow of the North American Society of HPERDP. He is a life member of AAHPERD. Among his awards are the Healthy American Fitness Leaders Award (President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports-PCPFS, National Jaycees), AAHPERD Honor Award, Physical Fitness Council Honor Award, the COPEC Hanson Award, and the Distinguished Service Award of the PCPFS. Dr. Corbin was named the Alliance Scholar by AAHPERD and the Distinguished Scholar of NAKPEHE. He is a member of the Advisory Board of Fitnessgram, was the first chair of the Science Board of the PCPFS, and was recently elected to the NASPE Hall of Fame.

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