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In clear, plain English, Professional Augmented Reality Apps for SmartPhones explains what mobile augmented Reality (AR) is as well as the amazing opportunities lying ahead. The expert author positions each of the clients, focussing on development, with brief look at what other players are doing (such as Google/Nokia). The book will further include a small feature on mobile barcodes (they are making a comeback and are useful for developers) and finally covers some ideas on how AR will change our lives in the future. The book will focus on three key augmented reality technologies and show how programmers can: create cross-platform augmented reality browsers that determine the user's current location and overlay nearby points of interest with live video from the camera view. Primarily focusing on building content for the top 3 industry recognized mobile augmented reality clients, Junaio, Layar and Wikitude. use image recognition to create compelling applications that display 3D content when images are recognized. build visual search applications that enable users to shop for products by taking a picture of items such as a book or DVD cover. Professional Augmented Reality Apps for SmartPhones features fully workable and downloadable source code and will enable developers to understand how to build augmented reality applications for the iPhone and Android platforms.

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