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publishCompany WSPC
EISBN 9781848161580
PISBN 9781860943003
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The subject matter is treated systematically from first principles, using a unified theoretical approach, and the emphasis is on the development of basic concepts that illustrate the underlying physical processes in circumstances where intense self fields play a major role in determining the evolution of the system. The theoretical analysis includes the full influence of dc space charge and intense self-field effects on detailed equilibrium, stability and transport properties, and is valid over a wide range of system parameters ranging from moderate-intensity, moderate-emittance beams to very-high-intensity, low-emittance beams. This is particularly important at the high beam intensities envisioned for present and next generation accelerators, colliders and transport systems for high energy and nuclear physics applications and for heavy ion fusion. Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams in High Energy Accelerators emphasizes basic physics principles, and the thorough presentation style is intended to have a lasting appeal to graduate students and researchers alike. Because of the advanced theoretical techniques developed for describing one-component charged particle systems, a useful companion volume to this book is Physics of Nonneutral Plasmas by Ronald C Davidson.
    Collected by
    • Yale University
    • University of Melbourne Library
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • University of Chicago
    • MIT
    • UCB

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