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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118213773
PISBN 9780470878217
edition Sixth edition.
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We've Got You Covered for your principles of management course. Wiley provides the most current content, comprehensive resources, and flexible format options to help teachers teach and students learn. Our commitment to Currency, Global Issues, Sustainability and Learning Outcomes translates into a suite of teaching and learning options that seamlessly integrate into your management courses. Exploring Management 3e supports teaching and learning of core management concepts by presenting material in a straight-forward, conversational style with a strong emphasis on application. With a focus on currency, high-interest examples and pedagogy that encourages students to personalize the learning experience, the 3rd Edition opens up the study of management for students to explore. Offering a variety of teaching resources and the concept-based assessment of WileyPLUS, Exploring Management 3e fosters a learning environment that will inspire success in and out of the classroom. WileyPLUS provides a clear roadmap for students and builds confidence by taking the guesswork out of studying.

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