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publishCompany WSPC
EISBN 9789814447119
PISBN 9789810222628
edition 2nd ed.
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This comprehensive and well-illustrated book provides a reasoned approach to the everyday practice of ophthalmology. This new edition has been updated to include contributions by thirteen highly qualified ophthalmologists with special experience in many aspects of the subject. Stereo photographs are included because some eye conditions require depth perception for a real understanding of their nature.Written to emphasise aspects found over many years to be of practical importance in a large undergraduate teaching hospital and two eye hospitals, it will be especially useful to medical students as well as general practitioners and ophthalmologists-in-training. In particular, the section on “Common Ophthalmic Problems” which, like a “book within a book”, indicates to students the most important eye conditions for study.The new edition has been expanded to include the latest advances in research and practice. It has been thoroughly revised and includes contributions from thirteen specialist sub-editors 20% of the Royalties from this book will be denoted to the patient based International Glaucoma AssociationIs Not Only:a student texta colour atlas with legendsan account of sophisticated techniquesBut Also:a reasoned, practical guide to the study of ophthalmologyembraces diseases worldwide and basic methods of investigation and treatment where applicableincludes ‘a book within a book’ of common ophthalmic problems, essential for students, optometrists and general practitioners with full cross references and indexingpresents stereo colour plates where in depth perception aids understandingThis Second Edition is:UpdatedExpandedComprehensiveAuthoritative

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