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publishCompany McGraw Hill
EISBN 9789390464241
PISBN 9788120326491
edition 1
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  • Contents
This systematically organized and well-balanced book compresses within the covers of a single volume the theoretical principles and techniques involved in bioseparations, also called downstream processing. Organized in its 15 chapters, the text covers in the first few chapters topics related to chemical engineering unit operations such as filtration, centrifugation, adsorption, extraction and membrane separation as applied to bio- separations. The use of chromatography as practiced at laboratory as well as industrial scale operation and related techniques such as gel filtration, affinity and pseudo-affinity chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, electro- phoresis and related methods have been discussed. The important applications of these techniques have also been highlighted. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES Basic principles involved in the various techniques are dealt with illustrative diagrams and description. Worked examples are given at the end of relevant chapters. An overview of entire course/subject of bioseparations is presented in Chapter 1. The book is intended primarily as a textbook for under- graduate and postgraduate students of biotechnology— both in science and engineering and those in the industry engaged in biotechnology research.

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