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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119112990
PISBN 9780470131480
edition 4th ed.
Known for its comprehensive coverage and up-to-date literature citations, this classic text provides students and instructors with the most complete coverage available of radiation detection and measurement. Over the decade that has passed since the publication of the 3rd edition, technical developments continue to enhance the instruments and techniques available for the detection and spectroscopy of ionizing radiation. The Fourth Edition of this invaluable resource incorporates the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies to make this the most up-to-date guide to the field available: • Covers many new materials that are emerging as scintillators that can achieve energy resolution that is better by a factor of two compared with traditional materials • Presents new material on ROC curves, micropattern gas detectors, new sensors for scintillation light, thick film semiconductors, and digital techniques in detector pulse processing • Includes updated discussions on TLDs, neutron detectors, cryogenic spectrometers, radiation backgrounds, and the VME instrumentation standard
    Collected by
    • UCLA
    • Princeton University
    • University of Cambridge
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Harvard University
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • National Library of China
    • CUHK
    • University of Chicago
    • MIT
    • UCB

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