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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118293850
PISBN 9781405196833
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Welcome to the twelfth edition of Roitt's Essential Immunology; the textbook?of choice for students and instructors of immunology worldwide. Bringing you fully up-to-date?with ?the latest knowledge and concepts about the workings of the immune system, the hallmark easy reading style clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health science students, in the context of a fully functioning immune system. Pedagogy has been strengthened throughout, and now includes: just to recap sections at the beginning of each chapter reminding the reader of key findings and principles Summary sections at the end of each chapter: ideal quick reading for student revision Many brand new figures maintaining clear structure and precise illustration Further reading sections at the end of each chapter point the reader to sources of further information Now available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition, Roitt's Essential Immunology is also supported by a?suite of online resources?at including: Interactive MCQs and SBA questions for each chapter, with feedback on all answers selected Animations and videos showing key concepts Fully downloadable figures and illustrations, further reading and useful links Extracts from the Encyclopaedia of Life Science Podcasts to reinforce the key principles explained in the text: ideal for revision on the go "The revisions and updated made to the 12th Edition of Roitts Essential Immunology make this a must buy and read for anyone who is serious about understanding and studying Immunology.
    Collected by
    • UCLA
    • University of Cambridge
    • Princeton University
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Harvard University
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • University of Chicago
    • UCB

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