- Product Details
- Contents
· Introduces the Design Environment for Event Driven Simulation (DEEDS), an original simulator, which facilitates the modeling of complex situations using four (self-contained) nodes: source, queue, facility, and delay.
· Demonstrates how to use discrete event simulation as a powerful tool for the analysis, planning, design, and operation of diverse production systems
· Shows how to model application areas such as facilities layout, material handling, inventory control, scheduling, maintenance, quality control, and supply chain logistics
· Integrates the design of experiments and optimization techniques for improving production systems
With the comprehensive instruction provided within these pages, in combination with the flexibility of the DEEDS program environment, operations managers will be able to harness the power of discrete event simulation to streamline their production environments.
The authors have created a website with a variety of teaching aids that professors will be able to access
- Yale University
- University of Cambridge
- Princeton University
- University of Oxford
- National Library of China
- Guangzhou University
- Columbia University Library