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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781439810743
PISBN 9781439810736
edition 2
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A research scientist at NASA working on planetary exploration, Carlos Calle has the opportunity to ponder what seems imponderable, but while that might make Dr. Calle unusual, what makes him truly special is his ability to translate the algebraic formulas and calculus-based logic into concepts that can be appreciated and held in awe by those in possession of tools no more sophisticated than curiosity and imagination. Superstrings and Other Things: A Guide to Physics, Second Edition continues to take the interested on a uniquely accessible journey through physics. This guide explains the basic concepts of motion, energy, and gravity, right up through the latest theories about the structure of matter, the origin of the universe, and the beginning of time. Fully illustrated throughout, the book explores major discoveries and the scientists behind them, from Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, to Feynman and Hawking. Numerous examples of physics in everyday situations are provided and made tangible. When Dr. Calle wrote the first edition of this bestseller, even he would have been surprised by the newest development in String Theory, the far reaching M-Theory. In addition to details about M-Theory, he adds a number of other surprises and updated material for this edition. Not only will you be rewarded with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of physics, but you will also come to have the chance to stand on the very edge of the breathtaking frontiers of physics today. Offers non-science students and others access to the highest peaks of physics Supports a truly conceptual approach to teaching physics without advanced math Emphasizes concepts and ideas rather than equations Provides up-to-date coverage of modern physics Showcases modern
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    • UCLA
    • Princeton University
    • Harvard University
    • Stanford University
    • National Library of China
    • Columbia University Library
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    • University of Chicago
    • MIT
    • UCB

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