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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781305681262
PISBN 9781305073951
edition 14
Written by a team of best-selling authors, BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, 14th Edition reveals the biological world in wondrous detail. Packed with eye-catching photos and images, this text engages students with applications and activities that encourage critical thinking. Chapter opening Learning Roadmaps help students focus on the topics that matter most and section-ending “Take Home Messages” reinforce key concepts. Helpful in-text features include a running glossary, case studies, issue-related essays, linked concepts, self-test questions, data analysis problems, and more. The accompanying MindTap for Biology is the most engaging and easiest to customize online solution in Biology. Known for a clear, accessible style, BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, 14th Edition puts the living world of biology under a microscope for students to analyze, understand, and enjoy!

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