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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781351204675
PISBN 9780367504038
edition 1
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This introductory text develops the reader fundamental understanding of core principles and experimental aspects underlying the operation of nanoelectronic devices. The author makes a thorough and systematic presentation of electron transport in quantum-confined systems such as quantum dots, quantum wires, and quantum wells together with Landauer-B眉ttiker formalism and non-equilibrium Green function approach. The coverage encompasses nanofabrication techniques and characterization tools followed by a comprehensive exposition of nanoelectronic devices including resonant tunneling diodes, nanoscale MOSFETs, carbon nanotube FETs, high-electron-mobility transistors, single-electron transistors, and heterostructure optoelectronic devices. The writing throughout is simple and straightforward, with clearly drawn illustrations and extensive self-study exercises for each chapter. Introduces the basic concepts underlying the operation of nanoelectronic devices. Offers a broad overview of the field, including state-of-the-art developments. Covers the relevant quantum and solid-state physics and nanoelectronic device principles. Written in lucid language with accessible mathematical treatment. Includes extensive end-of-chapter exercises and many insightful diagrams.

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