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This textbook presents a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to System Engineering analysis, design, and development via an integrated set of concepts, principles, practices, and methodologies. The methods presented in this text apply to any type of human systemsmall, medium, and large organizational systems and system development projects delivering engineered systems or services across multiple business sectors such as medical, transportation, financial, educational, governmental, aerospace and defense, utilities, political, and charity, among others. The objective of this book is to enable systems engineers, engineers, system analysts, project managers, and others to understand HOW Systems Engineering and Development (SE&D) are performed so the reader can become more productive and competitive within the organization and the marketplace. There is a solid examination of SE&D concepts, principles, processes, and practices used to evolve an abstract end user's operational need into a physical, field-operable system or product. Topical discussions are supported by practical examples, observations, mini-case studies, lessons learned, and real life events that illustrate how system engineering impacts technical and programmatic decision making and the corporate bottom line.

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