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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119068037
PISBN 9781119067849
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  • Contents
Climate extremes: patterns and mechanisms is a compilation of recent advancements in the identification of the extreme event patterns and mechanisms. This volume covers a comprehensive documentation of the processes and mechanisms unique to individual weather and climate extremes events, which will advance the understanding and prediction of future extreme events. Currently, most of the developing theories about the changing patterns of weather and climate extremes are scattered in the literature and, therefore, this is a dedicated volume that summarizes everything in one place for the larger research community and graduate students. Mid-latitude and subtropical climate extremes (heat waves, hurricanes, droughts, etc.) have increased and the dynamical processes leading to the increase have been linked to common theories such as arctic amplification, jet stream meandering, tropical expansion, etc. However, the dynamical processes of individual extreme events are manifold and cannot be generalized. The goal of this volume is to document the various climate extreme events and associated changes that have been analyzed through diagnostics, modeling, and statistical approaches.
    Collected by
    • Princeton University
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Columbia University Library
    • National Library of China
    • MIT
    • Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
    • UCB

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