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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119086246
PISBN 9781119086222
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This book provides a clear and accessible overview of various aspects of tropical weather and climate as it is understood today. After a general introduction to the tropics, the following key topics are presented:-  the sub-tropical jet streams and the weather associated with them;  synoptic-scale weather systems;  climate, flora and fauna in the tropics;  dry environments;  the development and maintenance of monsoon systems;  tropical revolving storms;  mesoscale convective systems;  methods of forecasting significant cloud and associated weather;  the effects of climate change in the tropics;  the importance of the tropical ozone layer;  remote sensing of tropical weather; and tropical weather and health.  Each part includes a description of the effects of tropical weather.  Written as an introduction (based on a series published in the RMetS journal/magazine Weather, but brought up to date and including several supplementary chapters or sections) with an inter-disciplinary text, the emphasis is on observational science.  This book forms an introduction to the weather and climate of the tropics, covering a wide range of aspects, especially those specific to the tropical air mass and its interactions with the extra-tropics.    Unlike most textbooks on the subject, it is not concerned with mathematical details of aspects such as the dynamics, although some mathematical equations are included, reflecting the needs of the subject at the introductory level. This approach is to ensure it is attractive as a text book that can be read by a range of disciplines, including those not taking a mathematical approach to weather and climate, also ensuring it can be understood by forecasters at the front line.      This book provides a clear and accessible overview of various aspects of tropical weather and climate as it is understood today. After a general introduction to the tropics, the following key topics are presented:-  the sub-tropical jet streams and the weather associated with them;  synoptic-scale weather systems;  climate, flora and fauna in the tropics;  dry environments;  the development and maintenance of monsoon systems;  tropical revolving storms;  mesoscale convective systems;  methods of forecasting significant cloud and associated weather;  the effects of climate change in the tropics;  the importance of the tropical ozone layer;  remote sensing of tropical weather; and tropical weather and health.  Each part includes a description of the effects of tropical weather.  Written as an introduction (based on a series published in the RMetS journal/magazine Weather, but brought up to date and including several supplementary chapters or sections) with an inter-disciplinary text, the emphasis is on observational science.  This book forms an introduction to the weather and climate of the tropics, covering a wide range of aspects, especially those specific to the tropical air mass and its interactions with the extra-tropics.    Unlike most textbooks on the subject, it is not concerned with mathematical details of aspects such as the dynamics, although some mathematical equations are included, reflecting the needs of the subject at the introductory level. This approach is to ensure it is attractive as a text book that can be read by a range of disciplines, including those not taking a mathematical approach to weather and climate, also ensuring it can be understood by forecasters at the front line.

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