CRC Press
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This book was written to provide students who have limited backgrounds in the physical sciences and math with an accessible textbook on nuclear science. Expanding on the foundation of the bestselling first edition, Introduction to Nuclear Science, Second Edition provides a clear and complete introduction to nuclear chemistry and physics, from basic concepts to nuclear power and medical applications. Incorporating suggestions from professors using this book for their courses, the author has created a new text that is approximately 60 percent larger and more comprehensive and flexible than the first.New to This Edition:
Thorough review of nuclear forensics, radiology, gamma cameras, and decay through proton or neutron emission
More detailed explanations of the necessary mathematics
A chapter on dosimetry of radiation fields
Expanded discussion of applications, introduced earlier in the text
More in-depth coverage of nuclear reactors, including a new chapter examining more reactor types, their safety systems, and recent accidents such as the one in Fukushima, Japan
Additional end-of-chapter problems throughout the book
A new appendix with nuclear data for all nuclides mentioned
This book covers energetics, nuclear stability, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, interactions of radiation with matter, detection methods, and safety measures, including monitoring and regulations. It explores applications in medicine, power generation, food safety, waste, and weapons. This updated, expanded edition provides a much-needed textbook and resource for undergraduate students in science and engineering as well as those studying nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. It also serves as a general introduction to nuclear science for all interested readers.