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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781420083200
PISBN 9781420083194
edition 1
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  • Contents
As organizations realize the benefits of PM, the need to develop effective management tools rises with the increasing complexity of new technologies and processes. Taking a systems approach to accomplishing goals and objectives, Project Management: Systems, Principles, and Applications covers contemporary tools and techniques of PM from an established pedagogical perspective. A project can be simple or complex. In each case, proven PM processes must be followed with a world systems view of the project environment. While on-the-job training is possible for many of the PM requirements, rigorous and formal training must be used. Consequently, PM resources are of high utility. This text fills the void that exists in the availability of PM resources. Although individual books dealing with management principles, optimization models, and computer tools are available, there are few guidelines for the integration of these three areas for PM purposes. This book integrates these areas into a comprehensive guide to PM. It introduces the triad approach to improve the effectiveness of PM with respect to schedule, cost, and performance constraints within the context of systems modeling. It provides details on an integrated systems PM approach that can help diminish the adverse impacts of these issues through good project planning, organizing, scheduling, and control. CRC Press Authors Speak Adedeji B. Baduri speaks about his book. Watch the video
    Collected by
    • Princeton University
    • University of Cambridge
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Columbia University Library
    • National Library of China
    • Jinan University
    • Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai

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