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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118384657
PISBN 9780470027271
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  • Contents
Universal Usability is the concept of designing computer interfaces that are easy for all users to utilize. Universal Usability includes key chapters by Human-Computer Interaction luminaries such as Jonathan Lazar, Ron Baecker, Allison Druin, Ben Shneiderman, Brad Myers and Jenny Preece. The text examines innovative and groundbreaking research and practice, and provides a practical overview of a number of successful projects which have addressed a need for specific user populations. Chapters in this book address topics including: age diversity, economic diversity, language diversity, visual impairment, and spinal cord injuries. Several of these trailblazing projects in the book are amongst the first to examine usability issues for users with Down Syndrome, users with Amnesia, users with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and users with Alzheimer's Disease, and coverage extends to projects where multiple categories of needs are addressed. Ideal for students of HCI and User Interface Design, and essential reading for usability practitioners, this fascinating collection of real-world projects demonstrates that computer interfaces can truly be designed to meet the needs of any category of user.
    Collected by
    • UCLA
    • University of Cambridge
    • Princeton University
    • University of Oxford
    • Harvard University
    • Columbia University Library
    • Stanford University
    • National Library of China
    • University of Chicago
    • MIT
    • UCB

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