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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337243452
PISBN 9781285079332
edition 1
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Give students the essential quantitative skills they need to succeed in today’s exciting and rapidly growing field of renewable energy with DeVore’s PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNICIANS. This valuable text presents critical mathematical concepts in condensed, easily understood units. The author clearly illustrates every concept with memorable examples and practice problems drawn from tasks that technicians perform on the job every day. Loaded with helpful visual features and study aids, this book puts key information at your students’ fingertips with critical formula conversion charts, a glossary of the latest renewable energy terms, hands-on exercises, and an array of supplemental tools to help build your students’ skills and confidence. A comprehensive instructor's solutions manual, PowerPoint® presentation slides, and exam bank accompany the text to save you time in preparation and class presentation.

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