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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781439892701
PISBN 9781439892671
edition 2
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Everyone can benefit from having some understanding of environmental science and the chemistry underlying issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, energy sources, air pollution, water pollution, and waste disposal. Environmental Chemistry in Society, Second Edition presents environmental science to the non-science student, specifically focusing on environmental chemistry, yet requiring no background in chemistry. This book is a self-contained text, offering all the information necessary for readers to understand the topics discussed. It provides a foundation in science, chemistry, and toxicology, including the laws of thermodynamics, chemical bonding, and environmental toxins. This information then allows readers to delve into environmental topics, such as energy in society, air quality, global atmospheric concerns, water quality, and solid waste management. The arrangement of the book allows instructors flexibility in how they present the material, with the crucial topics being covered first. This second edition had been updated throughout and contains the following revisions: Addition of a glossary of important terms Extensive revision of the discussion questions at the end of each chapter to require more critical thinking skills Updates to the environmental data The division of the foundational chapter on chemistry into two chapters, so each one is more palatable Coverage of fracking, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the 2010 Gulf oil spill The book provides a qualitative approach, presenting the chemistry of the environment in such a way that students who have little or no science background can gain understanding and appreciation of this important subject.

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