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publishCompany WSPC
EISBN 9789814434416
PISBN 9789971509217
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This is a textbook designed to provide analytical background material in the area of Engineering Electromagnetic Fields for the senior level undergraduate and preparatory level graduate electrical engineering students. It is also an excellent reference book for researchers in the field of computational electromagnetic fields. The textbook covers — Static Electric and Magnetic Fields: The basic laws governing the Electrostatics, Magnetostatics with engineering examples are presented which are enough to understand the fields and the electric current and charge sources. Dynamic Electromagnetic Fields: The Maxwell's equations in Time-Domain and solutions, the Maxwell's equations in Frequency-Domain and solutions. Extensive approaches are presented to solve partial differential equations satisfying electromagnetic boundary value problems. Foundation to electromagnetic field radiation, guided wave propagation is discussed to expose at the undergraduate level application of the Maxwell's equations to practical engineering problems.

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