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Make innovation more remarkable, inevitable and profitable 'Zombie’ companies cling to what kills them: Obsolete and frustrating ways of working that crush innovation and drain people’s motivation. Be Less Zombie distils 10 years of field research amongst some of the world’s leading innovators into a pragmatic, actionable toolkit. Designed for managers who need more remarkable innovation with repeatable, scalable approaches, it shows readers how to:De-risk bolder, more profitable innovationMake innovation a predictable and measurable capabilityEquip managers with essential tools and skills for leading innovation and transformationHelp teams find new capacity and energy to deliver today’s business whilst discovering tomorrow’s Turner’s research also delves beyond the business world. He brings insights from a wide range of unexpected, expert sources including a guerrilla negotiator, a cage-fighter trainer, an X-Factor coach, a senior emergency room doctor, and a fashion designer. His ‘Turn It On’ innovation framework gives leaders and managers tools, processes and pathways to make bolder and more profitable innovation an inevitability, not an anomaly. This book is for:CEOs who need a better, more continuous pipeline of profitable innovationSenior leaders who need more ideas, collaboration and energy across their divisionsFinance executives who want to resource innovation and yet measure it effectivelyStrategy, change and transformation managers charged with delivering greater organisational agility and differentiationHR executives who are trying to resource and equip leaders and employees with innovation capabilitiesOrganisational development managers tasked with shaping more agile and innovative ways of workingTeam leaders who need to help their people find new capacity and energy to deliver bolder ideasIndividual employees who want their managers to stop blocking their best ideas ​​Elvin Turner is an award-winning innovation advisor to global corporations, government bodies, not-for-profit organisations, and start-ups around the world. He is also an associate professor at several business schools.

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