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Based on the author's 15 years of experience as a day trader, the book is his entire trading methodology applied, filled with real-worlds dos and donts. Written in an engaging and sometimes humorous tone, the author relates his own experiences, and in so doing, provides the reader with valuable lessons. The book is an antidote to trading industry hype that encourages traders to believe that trading is easily learned and is a fast path to wealth.  He explains that the conventional route of attending seminars, buying software, and opening an account with a major brokerage house is a path to failure.  Instead, a trader must learn hard lessons of self-discipline, consistency, and staying in the game for the long haul to have a real chance of success.  The goal of the book is to slow down the over-eager, over-optimistic amateur day trader by imparting a realistic view of the challenges of day trading, and providing tools, techniques, and insights to become a successful trader without losing a huge amount of money in the process. This book includes: Real world trading advice: Based on author's 15+ years of experience, the book imparts an uncompromisingly realistic view of day trading, providing lessons and insights on avoiding common pitfalls and embracing ingredients to success. Engaging narrative:  Well-written, funny, and personal in tone, this technical-based training manual is filled with real world stories and personal experiences which will connect with the audience. Trading Methodology Applied: Author invested thousands of hours testing the reliability of these methods with real-time trading in the markets and applies these methods in his own online trading room for trainees and graduates.

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