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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118354711
PISBN 9780470930588
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This book presents the background required to design processes for thermoplastics. The authors emphasize fundamental concepts that allow a student, novice, or practicing engineer to carry out practical design decisions. While other books present equations only, Polymer Processing: Principles and Design, provides the numerical methods required to solve the equations using a computer and easy-to-use IMSL numerical subroutines, ensuring a solid foundation in the principles underlying the design of polymer processing techniques. The second edition adds a Green Engineering component that emphasizes the knowledge required to reprocess polymers and information about polymers generated from renewable resources and the issues in processing these materials. Also new is a supplementary website with the IMSL subroutines and illustration of how the example problems from the book can be solved using software such as Matlab as well as Excel.

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