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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337411073
PISBN 9781305086272
edition 4
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This book was designed for the construction management college market. It is used in the required introduction to Construction course(s) for both majors and non-majors. Construction Materials and Methods may be a 1 semester course covering both areas or two 1 semester courses. Construction majors are joined by Architecture students and, in some institutions, by civil engineers/technology students as well as students who can choose construction courses as electives. In some programs, there is a foundation course that precedes the Methods and Materials course(s) often titled Introduction to Construction. Depending on the content covered, CMMT can also be used to bridge all 2−3 of these introductory courses. This is a fairly sophisticated market that requires hard cover, detailed texts. The curriculum is fairly standard across the country, but maintaining currency of materials, tools/technologies and techniques has become more significant as new "green" courses and content are integrated into construction programs. The market expects PowerPoints, testing software and all that we provide in our more robust eresources: image library, lecture tips and outlines, and websites.

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